Best Is Your Website at Risk of Being Hacked? 19.03.2023 421 If you implement the tips below, you should significantly reduce the risk of having your WordPress website hacked. The...
Blog What Are the Most Common Types of Website Attacks? 19.03.2023 190 If you look at the most common vulnerabilities being exploited in the wild, that list is too long to even begin...
Reviews 5 Tips to Help You Improve WordPress Security 19.03.2023 310 Contrary to popular belief, website builders like Wix and Shopify make a small impact on the market share of...
Blog How to Edit Code in WordPress 19.03.2023 260 Even if you don’t understand how to write basic HTML or CSS, learning how to edit code on your WordPress site is an...
Best Patricia Blog 19.03.2023 30 Calling the Patricia Blog theme elegant would be quite an understatement. The way the design flows together...
Blog Personal Blogily 19.03.2023 50 Personal Blogily is definitely up there with other refined WordPress themes. The boxed layout separated by...